The project aims to develop solid-state batteries (SSBs) with power densities >1000 W/L and energy densities >800 Wh/L, combined with fast charging and discharging, deep discharge cycles, long cycle life, and safe operation in a wide temperature range. Potential applications for these batteries include high-end and mobile applications such as drones, robots, aerospace, and urban mobility.
Selected innovation objectives are:
i) To develop anode-free thin-film SSBs with high power densities,
ii) to transfer the anode-free concept to bulk cathodes for high energy densities,
iii) to develop operando characterisation methods, and
iv) to demonstrate theSSB performance in an operational environment.
The expected impacts include:
i) SSBs for industrial Internet of Things that require safe operation in a wide temperature range,
ii) new software and measurement hardware products for battery testing, and
iii) the roll-to-roll fabrication of carbon-coated current collectors for anode-free SSBs.