Welcome to INDUSTRY 4.0!


Wireless and battery-free IoT solution
with a complete monitoring system

InduEye™ is a fully IoT platform designed for the industry, composed of the following three components and a cloud-based dashboard.

InduEye Thermo Lora Vibro 1.0

The InduEye solution for vibration monitoring (LoRaWAN)

InduEye Thermo Lora Vibro Temp 3.0

The InduEye solution for temperature monitoring (LoRaWAN)


Don't worry about battery maintenance or sustainability: InduEye™ runs on waste heat (wind and photovoltaic version in the process of certification).

Edge Computing

It uses the latest computer technologies to process every piece of data in the right place.

Long-range communications

No matter where your data is, you will have it at a very long distance, up to 2Km, with LoRaWAN.


You won't have to worry about explosive environments. InduEye™ is lithium-free and meets ATEX / IECEx certifications.


No stops, no special installations, in one day. That's InduEye!

Energy harvesting

Our internationally patented, award-winning, state-of-the-art thermoelectric generator is capable of supercharging the entire system by converting waste heat into clean electricity (wind and photovoltaic version in the process of certification).


Dynamic AEInnova VISualizer

Today, visualizing data in the right way at the right time has become a key elementto effectively control processes in our industry.

DAEVIS is our flexible, customizable, sensor agnostic, cloud or local monitoring dashboard. Created using the most modern technologies. It is a robust and secure product with which you will be able to know at all times what is happening in your company.

Our control panel is sensor-agnostic. That means you can integrate AEInnova InduEye™ devices or third-party devices into a unique interface. It’s time to control any process, anywhere, anytime.

For critical facilities, DAEVIS can be deployed on-site (on your own IT servers) to guarantee your confidentiality and robustness.

Cloud Based

A complete SaaS (Software as a Service). Product based on AWS.


More flexibility and customization.

Dynamic reporting and predictive maintenance

Analyze your data as you prefer.


Customize your alarms and channels.


Designed for stand-alone operation or for integration with other platforms (e.g. SCADA).

Cost Reduction

Up to 60% of cost reduction compared to other similar platforms.


Revalorización del calor residual para la eliminación total de las baterías de litio en la detección de tuberías de vapor

Leak Sense

Utiliza el calor residual de la tubería de vapor para alimentar los dispositivos de detección de fugas de vapor: Temperatura 120º

Despliegue rápido y de bajo costo: Retorno de la inversión (ROI) estimado en 10 meses

Alta precisión y exactitud

Temperatura de entrada/salida y ultrasonidos de alto espectro

Ahorros de hasta 1,200 USD al año por unidad:

· Fugas de vapor

· Auditorías

· Reemplazos de baterías